Before Carol Marbin
Miller and her colleagues at the Miami
Herald set off a massive foster-care panic in Florida by distorting almost
every issue in child welfare in its series Innocents
Lost, before the Herald used the
same tactics in its distorted
coverage of the tragic death of Nubia Barahona, the Herald went after the Florida child abuse hotline.
The tactics were the
same – broadbrush conclusions from horror stories and highly selective use of
documents and data – as NCCPR documented
here and here.
And now, once again,
we see how the Herald’s distortions
hurt children.
The information does
not come from the Herald, of
course. Rather it comes from the Palm Beach Post in partnership with WPTV
television. Their
story deals with why caseworkers for the Florida Department of Children and
Families are quitting in droves, and why those who stay are cutting corners –
and worse.
As the story puts
…an inundation of paperwork, an ever-expanding job description and a ballooning number of cases have led to what some are calling a “mass exodus” of investigators statewide. “Out all night, up all day, you aren’t getting any sleep. How can you make a sound decision about a child’s safety?” a current investigator said.
As a result, some
investigators told the Post, “the
only way to do the job is to falsify records.”
But most revealing
is what the workers themselves say is causing this inundation:
Employees interviewed pointed to the Abuse Hotline’s reluctance to throw out a complaint for the constant stream of new cases. … A former employee argued that investigators are assigned cases that have “absolutely 100 percent nothing to do at all with child safety.” Some blame a “knee-jerk reaction” and a fear of having a child fall through the cracks for leading to the inundation of cases. …
Even when investigators question whether a case involves a child’s welfare, they are required to investigate — and fill out paperwork — as they would any other case. “When you get two or three cases a day, you literally cannot do what you need to do to make sure that you’re doing a good job. You can’t do it,” a former investigator said.
So some workers
falsify documents, others quit, and none of them has the time to investigate
any case carefully – making it both more likely that children will be taken
needlessly and more likely that other children in real danger will be missed.
![]() |
Mike Carroll: "It is what it is." |
But what is truly
bizarre is the response to all this from Mike Carroll, whose job title is
Secretary of Post:
the Department of Children and Families. He told the “We can’t shut off the hotline. It is what it is. And as people call, we are mandated to get out there.”
Except that’s not
true. As in other states, the Florida
hotline is supposed to screen out calls that are obviously false, or don’t meet
the law’s definition of child abuse, or for which the caller lacks reasonable
cause to suspect abuse.
In some cases, yes,
they are “mandated to get out there,” in others not.
There is good reason
for this. Needless child abuse investigations traumatize children – and divert
time from finding children in real danger.
The real problem is
exactly what the frontline caseworkers say it is: A knee jerk reaction and fear
of being on the front page of the Herald
if they screen out a call and a tragedy occurs.
But there will
always be screening in child welfare. Either it will be rational screening at
the hotline, or irrational screening by caseworkers cutting corners because
they can’t keep up.
As for Mike Carroll,
no doubt the vulnerable children of Florida sleep better at night knowing that
they have a dynamic forceful leader always ready to confront a problem by declaring
“It is what it is.”
But then Carroll
doesn’t really run DCF. For all intents
and purposes Carol Marbin Miller does. The agency cowers in fear of her next
story, and jerks its knees accordingly.
Perhaps it’s time to
consider how well that’s working out. Miler got what she wanted. The decline in
entries into care – a decline that independent
evaluators said improved child safety – is long gone. More and more
children are torn from everyone they know and love.
Two weeks ago, The New York Times reported on how, in
New York City, foster
care has become the new “Jane Crow.” It told story after story about children
needlessly taken from their homes because their parents are poor. It is, of course, the kind of story Carol
Marbin Miller would never write, even though the rate of child removal in
Florida is more than two-and-a-half times as high as the rate in New York City.
So all the horrors inflicted on New York City children by their equivalent of
DCF are happening at least two-and-a-half times as often in Florida.
Raise your hand if
you think that’s made Florida children safer.
Raise your hand if you think child welfare in Florida is better now than
it was before Miller started on her crusade against keeping families together.
Tomorrow: The kind of caseworker DCF chooses to fire - and the kind it chooses to keep
Tomorrow: The kind of caseworker DCF chooses to fire - and the kind it chooses to keep